
Your dedication and education deserve more than being sidelined. KnocScore is a disruptive change, and with it you'll showcase your knowledge credibility and work ethic. Don't let your potential go unnoticed.


Many professionals are overlooked and underappreciated by their employers. You may be quiet about your efforts or have problems communicating your dedication. When you use KnoCScore, your diligence stands out.


With KnoCScore you can show a deep understanding on your efforts within your domain and why you deserve a raise.

Improve how companies hire professionals

KnoCScore improves how companies hire professionals

Improve how companies hire professionals

Improve how companies hire professionals

Improve how companies hire professionals

Improve how companies hire professionals

Finally and importantly, professionals now have backup for requesting a promotion or a raise.

Show you believe in a fair evaluation system for hiring promotions and pay.

Show employees you support a fair evaluation system for hiring promotions and pay.


Like a FICO score for Knowledge.